Windows 7 Themes Creme [x86 & x64]

- The Crème Visual Style
- A modified task pane
- Crème start orb
- Modified navigation buttons
- Wallpapers: Eclectic and .18.II

===========[How to Install]===========

1.Install Universal Theme Patcher, re-patch again if you had been updated SP 1.
2. Take Ownership your explorerframe.dll on C:\Windows\system32 and replace by my files, make sure to chose a appreciate files. Create a back up for bad situation.
3. Install requirement font.
4. Restart Windows, then select this theme in Personalize Menu.

Windows 7 Themes Creme [x86 & x64] Windows 7 Themes Creme [x86 & x64] Reviewed by sd6asd32 on 07:58:00 Rating: 5
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