JetPhoto Studio

JetPhoto Studio is a feature-rich and easy-to-use digital photo software.
Flash Maker and Creation Tools
With only several clicks, JetPhoto Studio can turn your digital photos into a beautiful Flash gallery with a professional look. Also makes a fantastic collage wallpaper or the pocket-size photos for your cell phone screen quickly and easily.

Web Album
To share your photo albums on Internet, JetPhoto is an advanced photo Web publisher, too. Once the photo album is prepared on your desktop computer, by WebSync, only One-Click is needed to upload the album onto your own photo website using JetPhoto Server. (JetPhoto Server is a free PHP-based web service software.)
JetPhoto Studio is also a powerful desktop photo organizer for Flickr users. Edit tags, descriptions, geo data for photos/sets on desktop computer, and post all organized pictures onto Flickr just by one-click

JetPhoto Studio JetPhoto Studio Reviewed by sd6asd32 on 08:21:00 Rating: 5
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