Comodo System Cleaner Latest
Comodo System Cleaner is a cleanup utility that incorporates a registry cleaner, disk cleaner and privacy cleaner, allowing you to maintain all of the ‘deep’ parts of your system with ease.
Installation and Setup
System cleaner offers quick installation and offers both 32 and 64 bit varieties. It runs on all modern versions of Windows although it’s currently not compatible with Windows 7.
Ease of Use
Comodo System Cleaner allows you to run regular, quick maintenance on parts of your computer that would otherwise take a very long time. When a program deletes, it doesn’t always remove itself from the registry and over time all these broken links can add up, resulting in slower boot times for windows and a slower system overall. The registry system cleaner automatically finds lost and broken entries for you and cleans them from your system.
Comodo System Cleaner Latest
Reviewed by sd6asd32