AudioGoGo - the fastest mp3 encoder
AudioGoGo can grabb audio tracks from cd audio/extra into WAV files or MP3 ones.
AudioGoGo is really crazy fast!
Programme uses two libraries: 1) AKRip32.DLL - czech modul which was designed by Andy Keya [used in grabbing process audio tracks into WAV file] 2) GoGo.DLL - japanese codec which was based on popular codec called Lame [used in encoding process WAV files into MP3 ones]
1) grabbing audio tracks into WAV files using Czech modul called AKRip32
2) grabbing audio tracks into MP3 files in creating temp WAV files (additional option can make grabbing & encoding processes on the fly into MP3 file) 3) encoding from WAV files into MP3 files using japanese codec called GoGo (support for MMX/SSE/(Enhanced)3DNow! instructions, Filter 16kHz, Psycho acustic model, mode multiprocessors 1-4CPUs, VBR (0-9), CBR (32-320kbps for MPEG1Layer3 andz 8-160kbps for MPEG2Layer
3), additional two extended filters!), which is based on very popular codec called Lame
4) connecting to freeware database of cd audio freedb to get names of titles of songs for new cd audio (additional was implemented possibility to connect using server proxy)
5) get and save informations of cd audio into CDPLAYER.INI file
6) naming destionation MP3 files according to 6 schemas [also for various artists option "Split track name into Artist Title using ..."] and creating directories for cd audio according to 4 schemas
7) adding into MP3 files called tags in version 1.1 [at the end of file] and in version 2.3 [at the begging of file]
8) choosing language from 30 predefined: 1) ENGLISH 2) POLISH 3) GERMAN 4) FRENCH 5) JAPANESE 6) BRAZILIAN 7) SPANISH 8) CZECH 9) SLOVAK 10) DUTCH 11) ITALIAN 12) SZWEDISH 13) HUNGARIAN 14) RUSSIAN 15) NORWEGIAN 16) CROATIAN 17) HEBREW 18) ESTONIAN 19) CHINESE (Simplified Chinese characters) 20) CHIÑSKI (Traditional Chinese characters - taiwanese) 21) DANISH 22) TURKISH 23) GREECE 24) ROMUNIAN 25) LATVIAN 26) ALBANIAN 27) FINLAND 28) CHILE 29) CATALAN 30) SERBIAN
9) saving configuration into audiogogo.INI file
10) automatic refresh main form of programme after inserting/ejecting cd aduio from CDROM drive
11) additions: informations about operating system, possibility checking/unchecking all cd audio tracks in very simply way (just in one click on two icons from status), information about currect chosen cdrom driver displays in status, in quickly way changing language in main form of programme (right button of mouse to click on status of flag).
AudioGoGo - the fastest mp3 encoder
Reviewed by sd6asd32