Basic Encrypter/Decrypter

This batch will work as a calculater Encrypter batch will add any digit you putt in the cmd screen.. and the decrypter will subtract the digits which u type in cmd... try this

open notepad copy this command and paste and saveas encrypter.bat

@echo off

title encrypter


set /p number=enter number to encrypt:

set /p key=set key:

set /a ans=%number% + %key%

echo encrypted text is %ans%



goto a
and this commands for decrypter.... make another batch
@echo off

title decrypter


set /p number=enter number to decrypt:

set /p key=enter key:

set /a ans=%number% - %key%

echo decrypted text is %ans%



goto a
Basic Encrypter/Decrypter Basic Encrypter/Decrypter Reviewed by sd6asd32 on 08:08:00 Rating: 5
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